
Showing posts from December, 2022

Atomy rTG Omega3 (English)

 Notice on provision of product information in e-commerce, etc. Food Type: Health Functional Food Name and location of the manufacturing facility (in the case of imported goods, the name of the importing company, the name of the manufacturing company, and the name of the exporting country): R&D: Kolmar BNH Co., Ltd. 22-15, Sandan-gil, Jeonui-myeon, Sejong Special Self-Governing City/Manufacturer: Kolmar BNH Co., Ltd. Eumseong Factory 8, Daepungsandan 1-gil, Daeso-myeon, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do Salesperson and location: Atomy Co., Ltd. 2148-21, Baekjemunhwa-ro, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do Date of manufacture, expiration date or expiration date: 2 years from the date of manufacture Capacity (weight) per packaging unit, quantity: 510mg X 180 capsules (91.8g) Name and content of raw materials (including country of origin labeling according to the Law on Country of Origin for Agricultural and Fishery Products): See detailed description Nutritional Information: See Details Funct

Atomy rTG Omega3 (Korean)

 전자상거래 등에서의 상품정보제공 고시 식품유형: 건강기능식품 제조업소의 명칭과 소재지(수입품의 경우 수입업소명, 제조업소명 및 수출국명): 연구개발: 콜마비앤에이치(주) 세종특별자치시 전의면 산단길 22-15/제조원 : 콜마비앤에이치(주) 음성공장 충청북도 음성군 대소면 대풍산단1길 8 판매원 및 소재지: 애터미(주)충청남도 공주시 백제문화로 2148-21 제조연원일, 유통기한 또는 품질유지기한: 제조일로부터 2년 포장단위별 용량(중량), 수량: 510mg X 180캡슐 (91.8g) 원재료명 및 함량(농수산물의 원산지 표시에 관한 법률에 따른 원산지 표시 포함): 상세설명 참조 영양정보: 상세설명 참조 기능정보: 상세설명 참조 섭취량, 섭취방법 및 섭취 시 주의사항 및 부작용 가능성: 1일 1회, 1회 2캡슐을 충분한 물과 함께 섭취하십시오. 질병의 예방 및 치료를 위한 의약품이 아니라는 내용의 표현: 본 제품은 질병의 예방 및 치료를 위한 의약품이 아닌 건강기능식품입니다. 유전자재조합식품에 해당하는 경우 표시: 해당사항없음 표시광고 사전심의필:  심의필(번호:220411936) 수입식품에 해당하는 경우 "건강기능식품에 관한 법률에 따른 수입신고를 필함”의 문구: 해당사항 없음 소비자상담 관련 전화번호: 애터미(주) 고객행복센터 : 1544-8580 애터미 알티지 오메가3 체내 흡수가 용이한 알티지 오메가3" *오메가3: EPA 및 DHA 함유 유지 ATOMY rTG omega3 DHA 함유유지, 비타민E EPA 510mg x 180캡슐 (91.8g) 건강기능식품 ETAUHA 함유유지 비타민 510 mg 180 (91.8 g) GMP 건강기능식품 510mg X 180캡슐 (3개월) 애터미 알티지 오메가3의 특별함 생체 이용률 높은 rTG 타입의 오메가3 ・오메가3 : EPA 및 DHA 함유유지 GMP ATOMY FTG omega3 애터미 알티지 오메가3 체내 흡수가 용이한 건강기능식품 EPA 및 DHA 함유유지, 비타민E 510mgx180

Atomy rTG Omega3 (Indonesia)

Atomy rTG Omega3 adalah makanan kesehatan fungsional minyak ikan omega3 tipe re-esterified triglyceride (rtg) Isi/box: 510mg x 180 capsules (91.8g) Dosis: 1x 2 capsule per hari Mengandung: 600mg (60%) epa dan dha, vitamin e 3.3 mg a-te (30%) EPA dan DHA menjaga kesehatan pembuluh darah darah dan sirkulasi darah menurunkan kadar trigliserida darah. dan menjaga kesehatan jantung*) memperbaiki mata kering, membantu kesehatan mata Vitamin E bertindak sebagai anti oksidan, melindungi sel tubuh dari radikal bebas Minyak ikan mengandung asam lemak omega 3 yang berguna untuk menurunkan trigliserida tinggi dan menjaga kesehatan jantung. Apa itu rTG Omega3? adalah omega 3 tipe re-esterified triglyceride dengan tingkat kemurnian tinggi memiliki kemampuan penyerapan yang tinggi dalam tubuh, bioavailibilitas tertinggi dibanding minyak ikan tipe ethyl esters (ee) sehingga mengurangi/menghilangkan efek atau gangguan pencernaan Konsentrasi tinggi omega-3, lebih dari 70% -80%, yang hanya 30% berbeda da

Atomy Hand Therapy (English)

  Atomy Hand Therapy – For fresh and tender hands Atomy Hand Therapy – For fresh and tender hands [ATOMY HAND THERAPY]   After washing your hands, the water on your hands evaporates while taking away the moisture along with it. This actually accelerates the dryness of the skin. Thus, it is important to completely dry your hands with a towel or tissue and apply hand cream. In particular, going outside without gloves or washing dishes with bare hands make the hands rougher during the cold windy season. There is a saying that a woman's age can be determined by looking at her hands. As the most exposed and sensitive skin area, it is important to constantly care for your hands. Introducing Atomy Hand Therapy, which moisturizes rough hands exposed to heat, cold, and dust. Also, through its whitening and wrinkle improvement effects, Atomy’s Hand Therapy helps you have fresher and brighter hands. Hand Therapy with whitening effect (30ml each) - Pink (Rose Water scent) & Blue (Soft Popp

Atomy Color Food Vitamin C (English)

  Color Containing Nature - Atomy Color Food Vitamin C 500mg of Vitamin C together with 7 types of Color Foods! [ATOMY COLOR FOOD VITAMIN-C] As the weather gets warm, the body becomes drowsy and the eyelids become soft. Live a vibrant life with Atomy Color Food Vitamin C, filled with the energy of refreshing spring. The fresh mango-flavored Atomy Color Food Vitamin C contains 500 mg of Vitamin C and 7 types of color foods. Atomy Color Food Vitamin C contains a total of seven color foods as secondary substances including mango, citrus, sweet pumpkin, yellow mushroom, and turmeric as the five yellow foods, and two red foods including strawberry and pomegranate. In addition, it also contains other substances including fish collagen, chicory root extract powder, indigestible maltodextrin, and coenzyme Q10 |  Why does one need to consume Vitamin C? Most plants and animals can synthesize vitamin C, but humans cannot synthesize them naturally, so they must be consumed in the form of food; how

Atomy Eye Lutein (English)

  Complex Functional Formula Atomy Eye Lutein for Healthy Eyes See anew with healthy eyes -Atomy Eye Lutein Even if your eyes turn dim, most think it is just a natural phenomenon that occurs with age, and they tend to overlook it, giving no special care. Maintain proper posture and rest your eyes when reading books, watching TV, or staring at a computer screen. Stay away from alcohol or tobacco, reduce stress, and drink plenty of water to keep your eyes healthy. In order to maintain one’s macular pigment density, which is reduced with aging, it is also beneficial to consistently consume health functional foods that are good for your eyes. Deterioration of the muscle that controls accommodation, aging of the optic nerve or retina, stress, TV, playing games, smoking, and excessive computer use, and unhealthy eating habits may be causes for decreased functions of the eye. It may also be caused by the lack of nutrients such as lutein, vitamin A, and beta-carotene. For some people, macular

Atomy Alaska E-Omega 3 (English)

  Know the health benefits, Atomy Alaska E-Omega 3 Protector of health from Alaska Atomy Alaska E-Omega 3 [ATOMY ALASKA E- OMEGA3] What is Omega 3? Omega 3 refers to the unsaturated fatty acid combined by the first double bond on the third carbon at the omega (ω) position of the carbon chain fatty acid. These omega 3s include EPA (eicosapaentaenic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). EPA and DHA can be produced from the essential fatty acids of alpha-linolenic acid and linolenic acid found in the human body, but these essential fatty acids cannot be synthesized in the human body, and the conversion efficiency of EPA and DHA in alpha-linolenic acid is 10-15% for adults and 3-6% for children. Because of such low efficiencies, it is necessary to consume foods or supplements that are high in EPA and DHA. Role of Omega 3 EPA and DHA are abundant in fish oil, and are present in the human body in an esterified state in tissue membranes, phospholipids, and plasma lipoproteins. EPA and DHA Ome

Atomy Salted Mackerel (English)

  No more worry of radiation but improved convenience, A healthy meal with Atomy’s Salted Mackerel The mackerel - a commoner’s fish transformed to a nobleman’s fish? Mackerel has long been a favorite dish for the common people. Mackerel is a fish of great value as a source of cheap and high-quality protein for the common people who lack the intake of meat. In addition, unsaturated fatty acids such as DHA and EPA, which are abundantly found in blue fish such as mackerel, can help brain development in adolescents - especially for fat intake during one’s diet, and also prevents atherosclerosis and strokes. However, in recent years, the catch of mackerel has been reduced, and the nuclear crisis in Japan has overwhelmed the concern of radioactive contamination, so it is not easy to consume mackerel at ease compared to in the past. Atomy Mackerel   Atomy's Norwegian salted mackerel is a product that has received great popularity from the common people, with no worry of radiation. Norwegi

Atomy Vegetarian Potato Ramen (English)

  Ramen Made by Atomy is Different – Atomy’s Vegetarian Potato Ramen A unique product that features chewy noodles together with a light and refreshing broth Ramen is consumed regularly as a substitute for a single meal by people and sometimes is served as a late-night snack for those that go out at night. People of all ages, be it young or old, love ramen, and the average consumption in Korea is 74 packs per person annually. It’s the highest in the world and counts as eating ramen once every 5 days. If you are a Korean citizen, you probably have eaten it at least once, regardless of your economic or social status.   Atomy’s Vegetarian Potato Ramen has noodles that are chewier and softer than any other product. The secret lies in the ingredients: Atomy’s Potato Ramen is made using Korean potato starch and potato powder. The amount of potatoes used in Atomy’s Ramen is the equivalent of five raw potatoes (90g). Let’s talk about the characteristics of potatoes for a moment. Potatoes are al

Atomy Organic Green Tea (English)

  Healing Time for Busy Modern People – Atomy’s Organic Green Tea Premium green tea made with organic ‘Sejak’ tea leaves from Jeju Island Modern people are busy. To survive this fiercely competitive world, people have to complete numerous tasks every day with haste. According to a study, all the information that people in the Middle Ages had to learn through their entire lives have to be studied by modern people in a week. That is why breaks are needed in the busy lifestyle that people live every day. This pause in their busy schedules becomes a healing time to relieve the stress accumulated and a time to reflect on life. Atomy’s Organic Green Tea is a high-quality organic green tea that is perfect for the healing time of busy modern people. ‘Sejak’ are hand-plucked young leaves of the tea tree, harvested from organic tea gardens located in Jeju Island, and dried with great care. ‘Sejak’ is also known as ‘Jakseol’ tea because the shape of the tea leaves resembles the tongue of a sparro

Atomy Chewable Calcium (English)

  Chewable Atomy Calcium: Healthy bones for the Whole Family with Calcium Made from Real Milk Fortify your Health the Easy Way with Atomy Chewable Calcium People are living longer than ever before as longevity is expected to rise to 100 years. That’s why health care is becoming increasingly important. In particular, it’s vital we maintain healthy bones as our skeletal system comprises our entire body and is the foundation for good health.   Calcium is an essential nutrient for good health, but it’s something most people don’t get enough of through diet alone. Atomy Chewable Calcium is a health supplement that allows you to get all the daily recommended calcium allowance your body needs. Triple-functioning Atomy Chewable Calcium Promotes Bone Health for the Whole Family   Atomy Chewable Calcium uses whey calcium extracted centrifugally from milk. As a calcium supplement, whey calcium has a high absorption rate in the human body, making it highly efficient. To further increase absorption

Atomy Hand Therapy

  Atomy Hand Therapy – Untuk tangan yang segar dan lembut Atomy Hand Therapy – Untuk tangan yang segar dan lembut [ATOMY HAND THERAPY] Setelah mencuci tangan, air di tangan Anda menguap dan menghilangkan kelembabannya. Ini sebenarnya mempercepat kekeringan pada kulit. Karena itu, penting untuk mengeringkan tangan Anda dengan handuk atau tisu dan mengoleskan krim tangan. Secara khusus, pergi keluar tanpa sarung tangan atau mencuci piring dengan tangan kosong membuat tangan lebih kasar selama musim berangin yang dingin. Ada pepatah yang mengatakan bahwa usia wanita dapat ditentukan dengan melihat tangannya. Sebagai area kulit yang paling terbuka dan sensitif, penting untuk selalu merawat tangan Anda. Memperkenalkan Atomy Hand Therapy, yang melembabkan tangan kasar yang terkena panas, dingin, dan debu. Juga, melalui efek perbaikan pemutihan dan kerutan, Atomy Hand Therapy membantu Anda memiliki tangan yang lebih segar dan lebih cerah. Hand Therapy dengan efek pemutihan (masing-masing 30ml

Atomy's Norwegian salted mackerel

  Tidak perlu lagi khawatir akan radiasi tetapi meningkatkan kenyamanan, Sebuah makanan sehat bersama Makarel Asin Atomy Makarel - ikan rakyat jelata berubah menjadi ikan bangsawan? Makarel telah lama menjadi hidangan favorit bagi masyarakat awam. Ikan makarel adalah ikan bernilai tinggi sebagai sumber protein murah dan berkualitas tinggi untuk masyarakat awam yang kekurangan asupan daging. Selain itu, asam lemak tak jenuh seperti DHA dan EPA, yang banyak ditemukan pada ikan biru seperti makarel, dapat membantu perkembangan otak pada remaja - terutama untuk asupan lemak selama seseorang berdiet, dan juga mencegah aterosklerosis dan stroke. Namun, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, terdapat penurunan hasil tangkapan makarel, dan krisis nuklir di Jepang telah melampaui kekhawatiran akan adanya kontaminasi radioaktif, sehingga tidak mudah untuk mengkonsumsi makarel dibandingkan dengan di masa lalu. Atomy Mackerel   Makarel asin Norwegia adalah produk yang terkenal dikalangan orang awam, tanpa

Atomy Organic Green Tea

  Waktu Penyembuhan untuk Orang Modern yang Sibuk - Teh Hijau Organik Atomy Teh hijau premium dibuat dari daun teh 'Sejak' organik dari Pulau Jeju Orang modern sedang sibuk. Untuk bertahan hidup di dunia yang sangat kompetitif ini, orang harus menyelesaikan banyak tugas setiap hari dengan tergesa-gesa. Menurut sebuah penelitian, semua informasi yang harus dipelajari oleh orang-orang di Abad Pertengahan sepanjang hidup mereka harus dipelajari oleh orang-orang modern dalam seminggu. Itulah mengapa istirahat sangat dibutuhkan dalam gaya hidup sibuk yang dijalani masyarakat setiap hari. Jeda dalam jadwal sibuk mereka ini menjadi waktu penyembuhan untuk menghilangkan stres yang menumpuk dan waktu untuk merefleksikan kehidupan.   Teh Hijau Organik Atomy adalah teh hijau organik berkualitas tinggi yang sempurna untuk waktu penyembuhan orang modern yang sibuk. 'Sejak' adalah daun muda pohon teh yang dipetik dengan tangan, dipanen dari kebun teh organik yang terletak di Pulau Je

Atomy Potato Ramen

  Ramen yang Dibuat oleh Atomy Berbeda - Ramen Kentang Vegetarian Atomy Produk unik yang menonjolkan mie yang kenyal dengan kuah yang ringan dan menyegarkan Ramen dikonsumsi secara teratur sebagai pengganti satu kali makan oleh orang-orang dan terkadang disajikan sebagai camilan larut malam bagi mereka yang keluar di malam hari. Orang-orang dari segala usia, tua atau muda, menyukai ramen, dan konsumsi rata-rata di Korea adalah 74 bungkus per orang setiap tahunnya. Ini adalah yang tertinggi di dunia dan dihitung sebagai makan ramen sekali setiap 5 hari. Jika Anda adalah warga negara Korea, Anda mungkin sudah memakannya setidaknya sekali, terlepas dari status ekonomi atau sosial Anda. Ramen Kentang Vegetarian Atomy memiliki mi yang lebih kenyal dan lembut dibandingkan produk lainnya. Rahasianya terletak pada bahan-bahannya: Ramen Kentang Atomy dibuat menggunakan tepung kentang Korea dan bubuk kentang. Jumlah kentang yang digunakan dalam Ramen Atomy setara dengan lima kentang mentah (90g)

Atomy Chewable Calcium

  Kalsium Kunyah Atomy: Tulang Sehat untuk Seluruh Keluarga dengan Kalsium yang Terbuat dari Susu Asli Perkuat Kesehatan Anda dengan Cara Mudah dengan kalsium kunyah Atomy Orang-orang hidup lebih lama dari sebelumnya karena umur panjang diperkirakan akan meningkat hingga 100 tahun. Itulah mengapa perawatan kesehatan menjadi semakin penting. Secara khusus, sangat penting untuk menjaga kesehatan tulang karena sistem kerangka kita terdiri dari seluruh tubuh kita dan merupakan fondasi untuk kesehatan yang baik.   Kalsium adalah nutrisi penting untuk kesehatan yang baik, tetapi itu adalah sesuatu yang kebanyakan orang tidak cukup hanya melalui makanan. Kalsium kunyah Atomy adalah suplemen kesehatan yang memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan semua asupan kalsium harian yang direkomendasikan untuk kebutuhan tubuh Anda. Kalsium Kunyah Atomy Berfungsi Rangkap Tiga Meningkatkan Kesehatan Tulang untuk Seluruh Keluarga kalsium kunyah Atomy menggunakan whey kalsium yang diekstraksi secara sentrifugal dari

Atomy Color Food Vitamin C

  Warna yang alami- Atomy Color Food Vitamin C 500mg of Vitamin C bersama dengan 7 jenis Makanan Warna! [ATOMY COLOR FOOD VITAMIN-C] Saat cuaca menjadi hangat, tubuh menjadi mengantuk dan kelopak mata menjadi lembut. Jalani kehidupan yang semarak dengan Atomy Color Food Vitamin C, diisi dengan energi musim semi yang menyegarkan. Atomy Color Food Vitamin C rasa rasa mangga segar mengandung 500 mg Vitamin C dan 7 jenis makanan berwarna. Atomy Color Food Vitamin C mengandung total tujuh makanan berwarna sebagai zat sekunder termasuk mangga, jeruk, labu manis, jamur kuning, dan kunyit sebagai lima makanan kuning, dan dua makanan merah termasuk strawberry dan delima. Selain itu, juga mengandung zat lain termasuk kolagen ikan, bubuk ekstrak akar sawi putih, maltodekstrin dicerna, dan koenzim Q10 Mengapa seseorang perlu mengonsumsi Vitamin C? Sebagian besar tumbuhan dan hewan dapat mensintesis vitamin C, tetapi manusia tidak dapat mensintesisnya secara alami, sehingga mereka harus dikonsumsi