Atomy Eye Lutein (English)

 Complex Functional Formula Atomy Eye Lutein for Healthy Eyes

See anew with healthy eyes

-Atomy Eye Lutein

Even if your eyes turn dim, most think it is just a natural phenomenon that occurs with age, and they tend to overlook it, giving no special care. Maintain proper posture and rest your eyes when reading books, watching TV, or staring at a computer screen. Stay away from alcohol or tobacco, reduce stress, and drink plenty of water to keep your eyes healthy. In order to maintain one’s macular pigment density, which is reduced with aging, it is also beneficial to consistently consume health functional foods that are good for your eyes.

Deterioration of the muscle that controls accommodation, aging of the optic nerve or retina, stress, TV, playing games, smoking, and excessive computer use, and unhealthy eating habits may be causes for decreased functions of the eye. It may also be caused by the lack of nutrients such as lutein, vitamin A, and beta-carotene. For some people, macular deformity may occur when they are over 40 years old. Thus, for a healthy life, paying close attention to one’s eyes is necessary. 

Atomy Eye Lutein to maintain healthy eyes

The main ingredients of Atomy Eye Lutein are lutein*, zinc, and vitamin A***. Bilberry, cowberry, blueberry, aronia, elderberry, blackcurrant are included as supplementary ingredients. Other ingredients such as borage seed oil, hyaluronic acid, and sweet orange (red orange) are also included.

The following substances are included to maintain eye health: Lutein - maintains macular pigment density and helps with eye health. Vitamin A - a substance necessary for visual adaptation in the dark and for converting light into brain nerve transmission signals. Zinc – helps normal functioning of immune system and cell division. Anthocyanin-rich berries - help maintain eye health.

Atomy Eye Lutein's Aztec marigold is traditionally cultivated in rich, organic, fertile black soil located in central Mexico, at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. In addition, the best quality marigold flowers, which receive abundant sunshine, low rainfall, and cool weather throughout the year, are harvested between July and August by hand instead with machines.

Atomy’s Eye Lutein are good for the following persons:
● Whose eyes are dimming due to aging
● Who drive frequently at night
● Who enjoy watching TV
● For teenagers and white-collared employees who frequently use the computer
● For those who are exposed to harmful UV rays
● For those whose eyes need nutrition

+ Plus Tip
9 healthy habits for healthy eyes

1) In order to detect amblyopia early, an eye test should be conducted before the age of 4
2) Adults over the age of 40 should receive regular eye tests
3) Steady treatment of diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia (hyperlipidemia)
4) Consult a doctor when wearing contact lenses
5) Quit smoking
6) Wear a hat or sunglasses that can block UV rays during outdoor activities
7) Maintain proper indoor temperature and humidity, and refrain from using the computer for a long duration
8) Avoid excessive work that are stressful for the eyes, and maintain bright indoor lighting
9) Wear appropriate safety equipment during work and exercise

* Macular degeneration
The macula is a nerve tissue located in the center of the inner retina of the eye, where an image of the object forms. This plays an important role in visual recognition such as object recognition and color classification. Macular degeneration is caused by abnormal blood vessel formation in the retina due to capillary disorders. Factors such as smoking, high fat, high-calorie eating habits, stress, obesity, high-blood pressure, and family history can be causes for the disorder.

Lutein, a substance found in the retina and macula, is an orange carotenoid pigment that plays an important role in recognizing objects and seeing colors. It can be produced by the extraction of marigold flowers. As one ages, the pigments that make up the macula fade and the density of lutein also decreases. Thus, it is recommended to consume lutein before one starts aging, in order to maintain macular pigment density. Decreased pigment density in the macula adversely affects eye health. Lutein also reduces blue light that damages the macula and retina. Since lutein cannot be synthesized in the body, it needs to be consumed through food. Lutein has the ability to absorb free radicals, which protects the blood vessels and enhances microcirculation.

***Vitamin A
Vitamin A can be found in animal source foods, and green-yellow vegetable foods contain carotenoids, which are precursors of vitamin A found in the body. In the retina, light is converted into signal that is transmitted to the nerve of the brain, and vitamin A is needed during this process. To maintain visual function, vitamin A and the protein, opsin, must be combined to form rhodopsin. When there is a lack of vitamin A, the rod cells cannot form rhodopsin, making it difficult to see in the dark. Additionally, vitamin A can be found in foods such as liver, carrot, sweet potato, sunflower, tomato, seafood, yeast, spinach, parsley, horseradish, zucchini, apple, and leek.


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