
Showing posts from February, 2023

Atomy Education Center

What is Atomy Education Center ? It is a training center operated by a qualified Center Manager for the purpose of networking and education. What is Education Commission (Center Commission)? Center Manager is paid 6% PV of the sales of the affiliated members. Center Manager must operate the education center according to the regulations set by the company. Procedures for opening Atomy Education Center Step 1: Center Manager applicant qualifications It is ineligible for someone who has criminal record, is in civil or criminal suit, is a member of other network marketing business, or is suspended for a disciplinary actions within the last year. Step 1-1 Choose the region where you want to open the center. Step 1-2 Korea 1. Achievement of Sales Master at least 12 times within the last year 2. Attendance to Auto Sales Master Seminar within the last 6 months 3. Require at least two 2 recommendation letters from Royal Leaders Club members and approval from higher mastership members (includin

Atomy Women’s Probiotics

  You are here: Home / Health Care Category / Atomy Women’s Probiotics Atomy Women’s Probiotics Most women face occasional urogenital problems, causing vaginal and urinary tract discomfort. Atomy Women’s Probiotics is exclusively made with scientifically selected strains for healthy vaginal and urinary tract microflora.    Atomy Women’s Probiotics helps promote healthy vaginal and urinary tract microflora using scientifically selected strains that specifically cater to women’s health. 1. Simultaneously helps promote vaginal & intestinal health. 2. Scientifically documented UREX strains. 3. Cranberry extract: 100% Vaccinium macrocarpon whole cranberry helps maintain healthy urinary tract. 4. 1 vegetable capsule = 3 billion CFU, Take one a day! 5. Activ-Vials: strategically engineered vial for probiotics to protect against high temperatures/humidity.   Product Details Atomy Women’s Probiotics simultaneously help promote vaginal & intestinal health.    Product Features 0

Atomy Sprouted Daeyang Oats (Indonesia)

  Atomy Sprouted Daeyang Oats (150g) kandungan nutrisi 150g sprouted daeyang oats ini, setara dengan 2000g (2kg) oats lain .. Oat adalah salah satu dari 10 makanan super, Atomy Sprouted Daeyang mengandung 100% biji-bijian dan kecambah gandum berkualitas tinggi pilihan serta sudah memiliki sertifikat HACCP bebas peptisida!. .. Keistimewahan Atomy Sprouted Daeyang Oats : Dapat membantu mencegah diabetes dan penyakit alzheimer. Menggunakan 100% Daeyang oat yang sudah terdaftar sebagai varietas nasional. Varietas yang sudah dikembangkan dengan teknologi termutahir. Memiliki nutrisi yang lebih tinggi daripada varietas lain. Menggunakan oat kecambah muda. Mengandung tidak hanya kecambah tetapi juga tanaman utuh. Bersertifikat bebas pestisida/GAP. Oat Daeyang dibudidayakan langsung dari biji di pertanian pintar yang bersih dan higienis serta mengandung lebih banyak asam mineral bebas, gula pereduksi, gula bebas, dan senyawa fenolik daripada biji-bijian biasa. .. Direkomendasikan untu

Atomy Sprouted Daeyang Oats

If you want to buy this product, Atomy Sprouted Daeyang Oats, please visit Are you still having only the sprouts? Unique variety of oats selected! Use freshly sprouted oats! Contains the entire crop! For your healthy and energetic life, we selected the most nutritious ingredients to produce a perfectly safe and clean product by making sure every production process is handled strictly and carefully. ATOMY SPROUTED DAEYANG OATS Registered National Variety Daeyang Oats + Sprouts + Germinated grain Contains not only the sprouts but the whole crop. Atomy Sprouted Daeyang Oats Qats, World's 10 Superfood selected by Time Magazine World's Top 10 Superfood Selected by Times Salmon, Red Wine, Green Tea, Spinach, Broccoli, Blueberry, Almond, Tomato, Garlic Oats, the only grain being selected as the world's top 10 superfoods, are rich in vitamins, especially B-vitamin, essential amino acids, minerals, protein, fiber, etc. It has various effects that can help anti

Atomy Steam Humidifier

Atomy Steam Humidifier If you want to buy this product, Atomy Steam Humidifier, please visit An idiosyncratic design based on a flower vase characterises this humidifier. The striped pattern, which is part of the brand identity, has a safety-relevant function in addition to its decorative one: it enlarges the surface of the device, thereby better dissipating operating heat and reducing the risk of burns when touched. To take sustainability into account, recycled plastic was used for the internal injection-moulded components. Atomy Steam Humidifier design intent Atomy Steam Humidifier is a new product launched in November by Atomy's new home appliance brand. The design was developed with a focus on maintaining the company's design identity and differentiating it from other companies. As a result, the Atomy steam humidifier was born with a round white porcelain and vase shape based on excellent technology and safety tests. The stripe pattern engraved on the

Atomy Essential Foundation (English, Indonesia)

If you want to buy this product, Atomy Essential Fondation, please visit   Atomy Essential Foundation (14g) ✓ Contains 66% triple essence for elegant skin ✓ Moist and smooth skin ✓ Clear and natural Why MUST-HAVE this Protects skin and improves skin texture with 66% rich essence (moisture, nutrition, brightening) Strong skincare synergy effect of -color marble pattern (BEIGE + PINK + WHITE) • Covers pores perfectly • Skin firming • Moisture supply Instant moisture and non-sticky finish Long lasting moisture by forming moisturizing film Available in shades # Suitable for those who use number 13, 15 and 21 # Suitable for those who use number 22, 23 and 25 Features: Triple function: Whitening, Wrinkle Improvement, UV Blockage SPF50/PA+++ Mixture of essence and foundation Balm formulation foundation with 66% triple essence to help create elegant skin (moisturizing + nutrition + brightening) Moisturizes the skin to create a clear and natural makeup look Moist

Atomy Silk Protein Hair Essence

If you want to buy this product, Atomy Silk Protein Hair Essence, please visit Atomy Silk Protein Hair Essence A real protein essence that adds protein to damaged cuticles, using rich microbubbles dyeing, perming, tangling, frizzy, splits end, hair loss and damaged hair  hair savior is here  Atomy Protein Conditioner a “true protein” recipe for hair damage from frequent coloring and perm hair curly hairstyles last longer no need to rinse! just apply evenly rich cream-like foam, bringing refreshing care. 𝐀𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐄𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 supply protein to damaged cuticles with penetration up to 1670% reduces hair roughness damaged by heat, perm and uv rays by 28% “silk amino peptide” reduces splitting by 23% prevents breaking hair end and fizziness with weak acidic formula of ph 5.0-6.5 essence + treatment + ampoule 3 in 1: easy application without rinsing. refreshing hair care with rich bubbles like whipped cream silk protein hair essenc

Atomy Homme Skincare

If you want to buy this product, Atomy Homme Skincare, please visit Achieve perfect, flawless skin with gentle ingredients and powerful moisturizing effects of Atomy Homme Skincare Set. Deeply hydrate your skin by providing moisture from the coreFormulated with “Aqua GG, a special blend of 5 types of hyaluronic acids” that supply moisture and hydration Revitalize your skin with Atomy’s healing complex Brings vitality to skin with fresh organic herbs Milder with less skin irritation Smooth out any roughness with mild ingredients Refreshing texture with no sticky finish Fast absorbing formula leaves skin feeling fresh Common Costomic Ingredients Used in Formulas Our “Healing Complex” contains 6 types of raw herbs extracted fresh on the same day as production. It soothes irritated skin after shaving and forms a powerful moisture barrier to revitalize tired skin. Don’t worry, there is no sticky feeling after applying! Atomy Homme Toner Slightly viscous, lightweight

Atomy Hey Dog (English)

  If you want to buy this product, Atomy Hey Dog, please visit Atomy Organic Dog Food Atomy Organic Dog Food 2 flavors: 1. Beef 2. Salmon ⭕️The first Organic Semi-Moist Pet Food "The first organic semi-moist pet food" - more than 70% of the organic raw materials are certified and domestically certified. ⭕️Uses Real Meat (NO-Powder) "Uses Real Meat (NO-Powder)" - Made of fresh real meat, it tastes delicious and provides high-quality nutrition. ⭕️High Nutrient Retention "High Nutrient Retention" - Since no secondary drying step is required, the loss of nutrients is minimized and the retention rate of nutrients is very high. ⭕️Soft Composition "Soft Composition" - coarse-grained soft composition with a water content of about 23%, providing easy water intake and helping to maintain high digestion and absorption. ⭕️6 FREE Safety "6 Free Safety" - a safe product without additives, genetically modified substances, antib

Atomy Lip Liquid

 Atomy Lip Liquid Velvet (4ml) ✓ Memberikan warna matte dengan tekstur beludru lembut Kenapa HARUS MEMILIKInya? 1️⃣ Warna Jelas dengan daya tahan yang kuat • Pigmen warna yang kuat membuat warna cerah tahan lama • Rona alami 2️⃣ Tekstur beludru lapang • Tekstur lapang ke matte - membentuk film kelembaban untuk mencegah penguapan kelembaban • Mematuhi bibir dengan cepat • Menyediakan aplikasi ringan yang nyaman • Efek pelembab bibir tanpa kekeringan atau sesak 3️⃣ Bibir halus dengan efek buram • Gel buram mengisi dan menutupi garis-garis halus dan kerutan untuk membuat bibir menjadi halus • Fokus lembut dan efek blur pada bibir 4️⃣ Aplikator Mikro Lunak • Tip eksklusif dengan aplikator mikro lunak. . mudah untuk menyesuaikan untuk menciptakan penampilan yang anda inginkan. bibir penuh atau bibir gradien. 5. minyak bunga merah pelembab tinggi. minyak bunga camelia , minyak mawar dan minyak biji safflower. membuat bibir lembab Tersedia warna 434 (lady red) 435 ( pink berry ) 438 (magenta)

Atomy Lip Liquid (English)

If you want to buy this product, Atomy Lip Liquid, please visit  Atomy Lip Liquid Velvet (4ml) ✓ Gives a matte color with a soft velvety texture Why MUST HAVE it? 1️⃣ Vivid Color with strong staying power • Strong color pigments make bright colors last longer • Natural hue 2️⃣ Airy velvety texture • Airy to matte texture - forms a moisture film to prevent moisture evaporation • Adhere to lips quickly • Provides a comfortable lightweight application • Lip moisturizing effect without dryness or tightness 3️⃣ Smooth lips with blur effect • Frosted gel fills in and covers fine lines and wrinkles to make lips smooth • Soft focus and blur effect on lips 4️⃣ Soft Micro Applicator • Exclusive tip with soft micro applicator. . Easy to adjust to create the look you want. full lips or gradient lips. 5. High moisturizing red flower oil. camellia oil, rose oil and safflower seed oil. keeps lips moist Available colors 434 (lady red) 435 ( pink berries ) 438 (magenta) 439 (liv

Atomy Protein Intensive Hair Care

If you want to buy this product, Atomy Protein Intensive Hair Care, please visit Atomy Protein Intensive Hair Care! Restore and nourish damaged hair with this unique hair care system! • Contains 45 proteins and patented ingredients • Provides rich nutrition for scalp and hair • 5 sources of vegetable protein: hydrolyzed rice protein, oat protein extract, hydrolyzed barley protein, hydrolysed soy protein, and hydrolyzed potato protein. Contains the 4 basic components of hair: Protein: Hair Repair - Small molecule protein complex for immediate care of damaged epidermis Amino Acids: Hair Care - Protect your hair with the same 18 amino acids found in your hair Peptides: Hair Nutrition - Highly concentrated nutrients for elasticity and shine Betaine: Anti-frizz effect - Calms curly and fragile hair Includes: • Protein Efficient Shampoo (400ml) • Protein High Efficiency Conditioner (200ml) Note: Conditioner is watery and becomes creamy when exposed to water How t