Atomy Education Center

What is Atomy Education Center?
It is a training center operated by a qualified Center Manager for the purpose of networking and education.

What is Education Commission (Center Commission)?
Center Manager is paid 6% PV of the sales of the affiliated members.
Center Manager must operate the education center according to the regulations set by the company.

Procedures for opening Atomy Education Center

Step 1: Center Manager applicant qualifications
It is ineligible for someone who has criminal record, is in civil or criminal suit, is a member of other network marketing business, or is suspended for a disciplinary actions within the last year.

Step 1-1
Choose the region where you want to open the center.

Step 1-2
1. Achievement of Sales Master at least 12 times within the last year
2. Attendance to Auto Sales Master Seminar within the last 6 months
3. Require at least two 2 recommendation letters from Royal Leaders Club members and approval from higher mastership members (including Center Manager)

1. Achievement of Sales Master at least 3 times within the last year
2. Attendance to One Day Seminar at least 4 times and
Success Academy at least 2 times within the last year

1. Achievement of Sales Master at least 3 times in the last 6 months
2. Attendance to One day Seminar at least 3 times
and Success Academy at least once in the last 12 months
3. Require at least 1 recommendation letters from Royal Masters (or higher mastership)

New Zealand
1. Achieved 2 Sales MASTERSHIPS or Higher in the past 6 months prior to application
2. Those who have completed at least 3 one-day seminars and at least 1 success academy in the last year

United Kingdom
*Pre-authorized Education Center
1. At least 5 million PV or above (700,000 Personal PV or above and Group PV of 4.3 million or above) in the past 12 months
2. At least 2 One Day Seminars or 1 Success Academy within the past 6 months.
3. A Recommendation letter from a Diamond Master or above

1. Applicant's personal PV must be 700,000 or above
2. Achievement of Sales Master at least 3 times within 6 months after opening the center

*Pre-authorized Service Center
1. 20 years old or older Chinese nationality (Foreign nationality including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan cannot apply)
2. Dealer Members officially authorized the company
3. Require a recommendation letter and guarantee letter of Royal Leaders Club member

1. Pre-authorized center
2. CNPJ Holder
3. 3 times attendance to Atomy Seminar
4. Recommendation Letter from Sharon rose master or above
5. Once you acheive 3 times sales master after opening pre-authorized center, your center will be changed to authorized center

1. Pre-authorized center
2. Business License
3. Personal PV 700,000 above, Group PV 4,300,000 above
4. Recommendation Letter from Royal Club Leader
5. Once you acheive 3 times sales master after opening pre-authorized center, your center will be changed to authorized center

1. Attendance to One day Seminar at least 3 times and Success Academy at least once in the last 12 months
2. Attendance to Atomy Thailand seminar (Success Academy or One day Seminar) at least 3 times
3. Those who read Education Center Guide book in Atomy Thailand site

1. Those who maintained at least 3 sales masters within 12 months
2. Sponsorship Letter from Royal Master or Higher Mastership

1. Achievement of Sales Master at least 5 times in the last 6 months
2. Attendance to One day Seminar at least 4 times
and Success Academy at least 4 times in the last 6 months

1. Achievement of Sales Master of higher mastership at least 3 times in the last 3 months
2. Require a signature of Royal Leaders Club member

*Pre-authorized Education Center
1. Achievement of Sales Master at least 3 times in the last 6 months
2. Attendance to One day Seminar at least 5 times and Success Academy at least 2 times in the last 6 months
3. Attendance to all Education Centre meetings and Centre leader workshops in the last 6 months
4. Require a recommendation letter from Royal Leaders Club members

Step 2: Center facilities conditions
Center should have communication devices and stationery supplies for educational purposes, location in shopping mall, residential complex(including residential facilities such as condominium, apartment etc.)and combined facility with other businesses is not permitted.
Regional offices decide considering the surrounding environments.
Center facilities preparation in advance prior to company approval is not allowed.

1. Minimum office size: 60m2

1. Minimum office size: 500ft2
2. Minimum office space occupancy: 15 people
3. Within a 20mile radius from existing centers is not permitted.

1. Minimum office size: 40m2
2. A new center within a 2km radius from existing centers is not permitted
3. First floor next to the road is not permitted (It can be misconceived as a sales shop)

New Zealand
1. Evaluate center facilities considering the surrounding environments.
2. Minimum office space occupancy : 15 people
3. Center must have adequate equipment such as computers, porjectors or TVs, printers, furniture, etc.)

United Kingdom
1. Minimum office space occupancy : 15 people
2. Minimum office size: 400 sq ft.

1. Minimum office size: 40m²2
2. Within 1km radius from existing centers is not permitted

1. Office size: 50m² ~500m²
2. Minimum office space occupancy : 20 people
3. Within a 1km radius from existing centers is not permitted

1. Minimum office size: 50m²
2. Minimum office space occupancy : 15 people
3. Other centers can't be opened within a 1km

1. Minimum office size: 67m²
2. Minimum office space occupancy : 15 people
3. Location in a shopping mall, the residential complex is not permitted
4. First is not permitted in Ulaanbaatar (other regions are available)

1. Office size: 50m2~300m2
2. Within a 1.5km radius from existing centers is not permitted (Bangkok)
3. Within a 5km radius from existing centers is not permitted (except Bangkok)
4. First floor next to the road is not permitted (It can be misconceived as a sales shop)
5. Townhouse, Moo baans are approved as center with certain conditions

1. Minimum office size: 60m2
2. Within a 1km radius from existing centers is not permitted
3. Centers in the five metropolises(Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bandung and Makasar) should be opened on second floor
4. First floor next to the road is not permitted (It can be misconceived as a sales shop)

1. Minimum office size: 800~3000ft2
2. First floor next to the road is not permitted (It can be misconceived as a sales shop)

1. Minimum office space occupancy : 20 people
2. Office size: 80~300m2
3. First floor next to the road is not permitted (It can be misconceived as a sales shop)

1. Minimum office size: 74.32m²(800ft²)
2. Minimum office space occupancy : 20 people
3. Within 0.5km radius from existing centers is not permitted
4. First floor next to the road is not permitted (It can be misconceived as a sales shop)

Step 3: Submission of center application form

Step 4: Approval of establishing the center
Qualification is screened by documents and interview
Response is within 10 business days after applying
Announcement of center is updated on the website monthly
Screening process and standards may be varied by each regional offices.

Step 5: Center operation
Member training is conducted accroding to the Atomy center regulations
Education center commission is paid twice a month
Selling Atomy products in the center or on any other websites is prohibited
Atomy wishes your success!


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