Atomy AZA Mall

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Company Name: atomyAZA CO.,LTD 
The Date of Incorporation: April 30th, 2016 The Business: Internet Shopping Mall, Developing Computer Software, Developing / Running O2O Service The Business Category: Retail and Wholesale, Internet Shopping Mall Location: 52-101, Hanjeok 2-gil, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea 
Homepage (LINK): 
Online Shopping Mall (LINK): 

Introducing Atomy AZA Mall 
AZA Mall is an internet shopping mall that suggests and sells credible products to make our customers make a consumption not to regret

Atomy AZA (AZA) AZA is an online shopping mall brand launched by atomy AZA inc. Online Shopping mall service market is passing by unlimited price and engineering development competition. Many competitors offer price destruction, price discount , speedy delivery to specialize their business, but customers who just wants to buy credible products can get easily confused in this market situation. AZA is an online shopping mall that value the most on providing credible products that customers would not regret.

"Lifestyle Curator" atomy AZA

Global big E-Commerce firms are just concentrating on bulking up its size, not considering customers’ rights and interests claiming market principle.

AZA challenges to the whole new internet business that categorize and process consumption trend to offer trendy styling to each customer by providing high quality information of tens of millions products as an “Life Style Curator”.

We will not only offer high quality and good price product, but also expand the value of consuming by minimizing our profit and returning it to our customers’ real benefit and providing tools for expanding business.

Living Bonus

All products bought on AZA are granted points. We will expand the value of comsumption by suggesting good-quality, good-price products, minimize profit of company and convert to customers’ real profit and offering extenstion tool of business opportunity


"atomyAZA shares the same Goal with atomy."

1. Customers’ Success

For atomy, customers are not simply a means to an end, but rather an end in themselves.
The “Cow Philosophy” is a good example of showing our goal about customers’ success.
The motivation behind raising cows is not because of the welfare of the cow itself, but milk as much as possible.
But, on the other hand mother cares for her child without expecting anything in return.
The fundamental goal is the well-being of the child.

In order for our customers to succeed, we must go beyond simply satisfying them.
We must dazzle them, giving it our all to see them succeed.

Through the medium of atomy,
consumers will achieve success and our business partners will establish successful businesses.

2. Distribution HUB

Atomy’s ultimate goal is to become the world’s leading distribution hub.

The hub is the central unit of a distribution network.
atomy will secure absolute competitiveness to reach a position
that connects all the manufacturers and consumers in the world.

We will serve the world with the GSGS (Global Sourcing,
Global Sales) strategy, adopting products
that have absolute quality and absolute pricing, everywhere in the world.

3. Leading Company 

Atomy strives to become the Premier Company.

To do so, we have adopted a management philosophy called “Honesty and integrity is the best policy”.
We will always stay the course of providing consumers with good-quality products at affordable prices.

Not only is the company aiming to be a leading company, but its employees are also walking the same path.
We focus on programs that foster human resources, through which employees learn that value is added through being honorable and good-willed with creativity.

3 Cultural Principles of atomy for Aspiring Toward a Top-notch Company beyond First-classPrinciple-oriented culturePrinciple-oriented culture seeks to benefit every constituent of our society.Culture of mutual growth and cooperationThe culture of mutual growth and cooperation is about a company growing together with everybody.Culture of sharingLastly, the culture of Sharing is about loving and caring for all people around the world.We are sure that our three cultures form a solid foundation that will ensure our success for the next 100 years.


"AtomyAZA shares the same Philosophy with atomy."

A Small but Big Company with delicate management.

Atomy aims to be a small yet big company.

We are not preoccupied with the size or opulence of the company, but with being a rock-solid organization.
This management policy is in keeping with our founding principle of Being.

We eliminate unnecessary expenses but pay careful attention to what needs to be addressed.
For a truly big company, its employees’ happiness is big, its customers’ success is big and its contribution to society is big.

We will invest in our employees’ well-being generously and stand by our principle of Absolute Quality and Absolute Price.

Furthermore, we make steady efforts to establish the culture of mutual growth and cooperation for our community.


"AtomyAZA shares the same Foundation ideology with Atomy."


Survival is the first goal for any organization, including corporations, and it is also a company’s most important social responsibility.

A company is organically interrelated between its staff, members, customers, partner companies, and the local community. Therefore, the survival of Atomy is related to the survival of every individual surrounding Atomy.

Atomy must survive in order for them to survive, and continue to create added value.Cost ManagementRazor-thin Production Costs
Stable and solid financial management
without incurring debt
Fixed cost management based on the Pipe Principle
Operations ManagementTransparency in Management
Principle-centered management,
where principles are the solution to all thoughts and problems
Human Resources ManagementDevelopment of creative talents


Survival is the first goal of a corporation, but its larger value can only be created through growth.

A steady pace is the most crucial element to Atomy’s growth.
“The faster the better” doesn’t work for Atomy.

Our pace is made up of both speed and direction.
Atomy believes that the true meaning of velocity is when speed picks up in a precise direction.
The Speed of Adaptation to External Changes

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is influencing society at-large with more speed and over a wider area than previous industrial revolutions.
Therefore, Atomy is trying its best to match the pace of a fast-changing contemporary world.
The Speed of Atomy’s Expansion

Speedy propagation of information is of great importance to Atomy.
Information becomes more vulnerable to inaccuracy and deceleration as it is exposed to more stages.
To prevent this and to ensure the accuracy of information, Atomy runs a seminar called “Success Academy”, which is broadcast simultaneously all over Korea.
Our expansion into overseas market is also occurring simultaneously.
The Pace of Atomy Members’ Business Expansion

Atomy’s partner business expands geometrically according to the theory of multipliers.
If you understand and apply the Atomy system correctly, your business will grow at a rate that would not be possible if you were on your own.


‘Balance’ is related to how we distribute our values.

Atomy strives to fulfill its social responsibility of fairness through the balanced and equitable distribution of wealth.
We consider the importance of fulfilling our social responsibility to equal that of a non-profit organization.
Balanced distribution means fair distribution.
Atomy seeks to achieve a balance in distribution in order to more efficiently and expansively reproduce the restricted amount of value.

Balance maximizes Atomy’s social efficiency.
‘Balance’ also enables Atomy to maximize its utility in society.
Atomy’s utility to its members and consumers must be enhanced in a balanced way.
‘The Law of the Minimum’ dictates that the capacity of a barrel with staves of unequal length is limited by the shortest stave.

It’s no exaggeration that the success of an enterprise depends on how balanced its distribution of generated wealth and surplus is.
Greed for profit and arbitrary distribution of surplus can cause members and consumers to leave the organization.

Atomy’s existence is impossible without members and consumers.
In a way, balance is the same as the continual reinvestment of our resources for the sake of ‘Being’, our first founding principle.

Vision of AtomyAZA

Most of traditional open or online market deals are progressed in the motivation of needs of each other. Online Platform service mediate the deal and get a commission. AZA sells selected, credible products that customers don’t need to worry about, and make a choice not to regret. Among millions of things, we only suggest credible and cost effectiveness products. We develop and suggest from well-known brand products to travel, car rental service, products only for online, mobile coupons, education, culture, sports, and whatever our members want. What Does AZA Mall Pursuit? AZA Mall’s goal is to help our customer make right choices that they would not regret. Customers ponder and hesitate before they buy, but it doesn’t guarantee satisfactory or good purchase. All customers using AZA Mall has a right ‘not to regret after buying’. AZA Mall promises as below not to make your choice regretful.. We chosse products on our customers' shoes. We provide various high-quality products at reasonable price. We concern customers' safety first. We follow up trend and change. We make our delivery fast and accurate. We will minimize A/S issue, and when it happens, we will take action fast and kindly. Furniture / Interior Furniture and Interior goods are not just simple appliances. It is an important factor that influences whole mood of the house. We, AtomyAZA will do our best to provide high-quality and various style of furniture/interior goods manufactured on strict management. Home Appliance / Digital Everyday life is getting convenient and efficient thanks to home appliance with advanced technology. AtomyAZA will do our best to provide various unique and cost-effective products from small appliance to big appliance. At AtomyAZA, products classified as electrical products must be certified for safety certifications or for manufacturing. Certification information for the products you sell can be found at websites provided below. Beauty AtomyAZA source and sell the whole new beauty product that Atomy has not handled yet. We will do our best to discover useful assistance of Atomy beauty product, and provide new, but comfortable product. Living Related AtomyAZA presents various living related products from stationery/toys/music/travel/hobby products to bathroom/Livingroom/car accessories that our members need in various use. With depth consideration and study, we will do our best to suggest different products in various ways to give our customers joy and value. Sports / Outdoor To modern people, investing to health is important than any other things. How about using just 10 minutes for health? AtomyAZA project and source sports and outdoor products for our members’ health. We carefully select products with functionality, activity, and as well as safety. We will do our best to present sports/outdoor items with brilliant idea and give joy and value to activities. Food We think good health starts from healthy food materials. We, AtomyAZA will do our best to provide safe food for our members’ health. Toddlers / Childeren Children are the most beautiful gift for future. Do not neglect the safety of your precious children's toys, wearing clothes, or touching things. AtomyAZA will do our best to make environment and infant safe as a top priority and make the baby and parents happy. Fashion / Clothing "American Trend Specialist Faith Popcorn explained the difference between trend and a passing fad like this.“A passing fad has a brilliant start, but it’s just like a quick trick to make money and run away in a flash, which applies to the product itself.” “Trends, on the other hand, are about the driving forces that lead consumers to ‘buy’ things, so trends are big and broad, and trends are rock-hard and last for an average of 10 years.” Atomy AZA will do our best to discover and project trendy, but fashionable item to our customers."


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